Thursday, November 16, 2006

I am back

After several months of abscence, I am back to my blog. The last previous months were hectic ones and I was really trapped by a great load of work.
What happened during last months, several new thing, happy and sad events, as life is. I managed to visit several places (Mahdia, Tabarka, Sousse, Nabeul, Bizerte, Ichkeul) and took some lovely pictures. The one next to this message was taken in Tabarak from within a natural tunnel in a mountain. Wonderful rocks, atmosphere and the sound of the sea splashing on the rocks. What a view and sensations. There, the lady with the coat is my mother who chose to stay there and not join me on the other side of the tunnel, she said she prefers to stay there to admire the view, but I doubt she was a little bit scared to go through the tunnel.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Spalsh !!!!

the world through my eyes: Spalsh !!!!

This is my first message and my first blog. At the begining I was not really tempted by the experiment of creating a blog but when I visited some and saw all these people talking about various subjects and share ideas, I said 'let's go for it!!!' And here is my 'Splash!!!'.
The aim of my blog is to show the world from my personal point of view, to share things with other, to discuss and to show the world through my eyes.
I hope I will enrich this blog with as often as I can and make you discover myself: the Stanfordian.